The Perigon
Miami, United States | 2021
The Perigon’s wonderful beachfront location has provided Gustafson Porter and Bowman their first opportunity to design a landscape project in Miami and Florida. The landscaped gardens will reflect the rich diversity of Florida’s flora, in a sequence of garden rooms that connect with the Perigon’s elegant interiors. The gardens offer fine views of the ocean and are accompanied by a linear water feature, that mirror’s the buildings curved and angular form and are filled with aquatic plants and the sound of water.
The garden layout around the Perigon, has four character areas; the dune terraces that face east towards the Atlantic Ocean; the water garden that is placed alongside the buildings south elevation; the shade garden that connects the entrance to the club house and the entrance hillside that looks across Collins Avenue to the lagoon.
The dunes rise up and wrap over the existing sea wall, introducing dune plants up and around the pool terrace. The north shade and south sun gardens introduce as diverse a range of plants as can be achieved in the marine climate, to create a lushly planted sequence of intimate terraces that interact with the building’s interior.
The clubhouse terrace looks across an elegant rectangular swimming pool, whilst cabana’s float in a lily pond and divide the planted areas below the building to enclose intimate sunrise terraces. The mix of curved and rectilinear planters reflect the geometry of the building on the ground.
On Collins Avenue we have Royal Palms interlaced with silver buttonwood trees provide shade on the street and announce the buildings entrance.
“The gardens offer fine views of the ocean, filled with aquatic plants, and bringing the sound of falling water; they mirror the building’s curved and angular forms”