Old Market Square
Nottingham, United Kingdom | 2007
Old Market Square in Nottingham is one of the oldest public squares in the UK with an 800-year history as a marketplace. Its regeneration involved the replacement of a design by T.C.Howitt and the adjacent Council House building. Incorporating the organic topography of the original medieval square, the predominant material is granite, to reflect the importance of the space, and the planting creates a sense of intimacy.
In the centre of the square is a 4,400m2 water feature with a reflecting pool, a 1.8m waterfall, rills, 53 jets and a scrim, arranged as four terraces, which can be turned off as and when needed. Lighting is also a prominent element: at night the water feature lights up with fibre optics; Long Row has been transformed into an ambient boulevard with atmospheric lighting and uplighters; and at the South end, reflectors on four lighting masts provide indirect background lighting to ensure that the Square feels safe and inviting.
“The project has been well received by the citizens of Nottingham and is well used both in attending events but also using the seating areas to relax and meet.
Previous issues associated with antisocial behaviour have effectively disappeared with the new design.”
“The space retains its own distinctiveness and sense of place through its sympathetic response to existing site conditions. The community has clearly given life to the square with the diverse activities and human interaction acting as a constant cabaret and source of visual excitement.”
“This calm, quiet space retains its own distinctiveness and sense of place through its organic structure...Elements such as the terracing and water feature convey an identity of their own through sound, movement and delight whilst also mirroring the existing city in the reflecting pool.”
“This is a wonderful example of design and regeneration. Gustafson Porter have taken a chaotic area that was a skateboarder’s paradise and turned it into a wonderful democratic space thronging with people.”
'Case Study: Old Market Square, Nottingham', The Architectural Review (2016)
'Market Square', Blueprint (2011)
'European landscape architecture and the globalisation of nature', New European Architecture (2009)
'Freedom of movement', Landscape Journal (2008)
'The RIBA Cabe Public Space Award' (2008)
'City's £7m square design awarded', BBC (2008)
'Nottingham grabs a piazza of the action', The Times (2007)
Review of Old Market Square, Blueprint (2007)
'Market Value', Architecture Today (2007)
Old Market Square, Green Places Journal (2007)
'Old Market Square Design', BBC Nottingham (2007)
'Fountain's firm life after Diana', Architects' Journal (2007)
2011 Best British Buildings of the 21st Century / Blueprint Magazine
2008 Winner, Natural Stone Awards
2008 RIBA Award, East Midlands
2008 Highly Commended, Civil Building of the Year – SCALA
2008 RIBA CABE Public Space Award
2008 Commendation for Regeneration, RICS East Midland Awards
2008 East Midlands Merit Awards, Institution of Civil Engineers
2008 Outstanding Contribution to the Public Realm, CentreVision Award, and Charcon Hard
2008 Landscaping Award, Civic Trust Awards
2007 Best Public Realm & Open Space Award and Overall Winner, Lord Mayor’s Awards
2007 Highly Commended, Urban Design Category, Landscape Institute Awards
2007 Commendation for Water Feature, Nottingham Civic Society
2007 Design Excellence Award, East Midlands Property Awards