King's Cross Gasholders Competition
London, United Kingdom | 2009 | Competition entry
This small park is approached from Camden along the tow path to the north and from Kings Cross and St Pancras along the tow path to the south. A series of planted landforms define gently curving pathways which weave between the gas holders and take their fluid form from the movement of water and the cylindrical shapes. People are drawn in to the site off the tow path. Within Gas Holder 8 one finds a grass amphitheatre where one can sit or recline and look upward toward the Gas Light.
The Park takes advantage of the south western views of the canal and lock by creating a sloped landform which elevates the view of the water. A grass amphitheatre contained within the gas holder frames a ‘stage’ area that can be used as a playable space as well as for formal events. School children can use this area for games during the day. In the evening the gas holder could be used as a back drop for film projections, concerts or theatrical events. A ramp of less than 1:20, Gasholder Walk, rises to the top of the grass amphitheatre with 360 degree views of the park and its surroundings. The gentle ramp can also be used for play for children to run up before rolling down the grass. A switch back ramp within a planted slope gives easy access to the pedestrian Play Zone along Holder Street.